Nikhil's Poems

This blog has some of my poems. These poems are very close to me and if you intend to use them I would like to receive some due credit for it. Feel free to contact me at

Friday, August 05, 2005

Immortal Beauty

My inspiration renewed;
My thoughts rekindled;
My dreams realized in time.
My hopes redefined;
My emotions awakened,
In that one moment sublime.

When the skies behind her,
Greyed with magnificence,
In light of an impending storm.
Striking fear in mortal hearts,
Intrigue in mortal minds,
As divinity, before me, takes mortal form.

The wind in its might,
Overwhelming the plains,
In a display of power and grace,
Challenging existence
As it blew across.
Her hair, an auburn stream across her face.

Her memory, like a vision,
Vivid in colour and life,
As she was one with the world in exile.
Beauty epitomised;
She was mortal until
I saw all that is divine in her smile.

Nikhil Menon


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